
Posts Tagged ‘Working Out’

I don’t know about your part of the country but here in central Virginia we are being spoiled with some amazing weather this week. Today, I left work and walked out into a gorgeous sunny evening complete with blue skies and a gentle breeze.

I thought it would be the perfect excuse to ditch the gym, visit the trail, and work on my speed and intervals for the upcoming Beauty and The Beast 5K I have coming up at Disney. I texted a pal earlier to chat about my feelings surrounding this year’s Princess weekend at Disney. I truly thought I would feel more disappointed about not running the ½ marathon this year but after today’s run I know I did the right thing by focusing on health and weight loss this year versus training for events. During my run tonight I had some time to reflect.

I know that I am a pretty slow runner and that tonight’s accomplishment might not seem like much to some. However, for me it was huge. I ran a solid 6 miles (and change) while keeping a 12-13 minute mile pace the entire run. I would love to one day run/walk at a 9-10 minute pace but for me today was a victory. I am not even sure how it happened exactly. I hopped off road and ran my usual loop. Instead of taking the short paved path (1/2 mile or so) back to the car I just turned around and re-ran my loop in the other direction.

I will admit that the second loop was mostly downhill as the first loop was mostly uphill. I was able to gain a lot of speed during the second loop (and confidence) and found that I continued to run at a greater speed not only downhill but also on the flat surfaces as well as the inclines. I listened to some cheesy old school jams (Ice Ice Baby, Pump Up the Jam, Can’t Touch This and other fabulous lame early 90s tunes) and sort of zoned out. If the sun hadn’t threatened to set on me I might have even attempted to do both loops a second time. It’s one of my goals for the future for sure. When I finally made it back to the car I felt incredibly tired, content, and accomplished. I can honestly say, I think, it may have been the best run I have ever been on.

I know that my co-workers, especially my very patient boss and my across the hall pal, are probably sick of hearing me sing the praises of Bikram yoga every single day but I am fully crediting those classes for my new found running ability. I used to write a lot about how my legs were willing to carry me but my breathing was “spazzy” and all over the place. I feel like I have more control over my lungs, breathing, and just my body overall. This revelation makes me so incredibly excited to continue running and practicing yoga.

After this epic (well epic for me) run I was pretty much starving. I came home and made one of the hub’s faves, cashew chicken and brown rice. I am finally settling in to finish up some school work and bond with my TIVO.

What does your weekly workout routine look like?

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As many of you know, I started this blog way back when to document my relationship with running. My little blog baby soon grew into something more as I struggled in 2010 to learn a healthy living lifestyle. My blog now examines all parts of this process, especially the weight loss/fitness aspect. I have proclaimed over and over again that this will be my year to emerge something better. I am developing a better diet/eating plan with the help of Weight Watchers and the “Points Plus” system. I am incorporating several different types of workouts into my plan. I seem to be on the right path so why do I keep feeling this nagging feeling in my gut? After my decision to focus on weight loss this year and not train for any major event (ie: The Princess ½) I died a little inside. While I am sticking to my decision (it is just the right thing for me right now) I also feel I need to mend my relationship with running. I realize that sounds funny but if you have ever loved to run I have no doubt you’ll understand.

Today I laced up my running shoes to go out for a run. It was not a “walking and just jog a little” run or a “run ½ way and walk the rest of the way back run” but a real “sweat like a guy and go until it hurts in a good way and then go a little further” run. In rereading some of my old blogs I realized that off road running really helped me find my running “sweet spot”. So, the hubs and I headed out to a familiar trail and, crazily enough, a familiar feeling.

It is a challenge for someone who is not at a healthy or ideal weight to run. The fact that I did what I did today amazes me. It encourages me. It, even though not a huge feat for most, makes me feel proud. I ran for 4 off road miles. I ran hills, rocky terrain, slippery terrain, bridges and even stairs. I ran it all without complaining and, most importantly, without doubting. Since my last run at Disney it has been the doubt getting in between me and my love for the run. I see that with such clarity now. Today was a new day for me. It was like starting over.

The hubs was really excited to support me and see me get “back in the ring” so to speak. He ran along behind me to snap photos of my day. He was running up hills and popping out from behind rocks like my own little paparazzi. (Does this make me more like B Spears? Please tell me it does!). It was like he knew today was something I would want to remember and I am so glad he was there. When I started to fade near the end he encouraged me to finish strong (and I did!).

I will let his photos from today tell my little running story. It might not be pretty, but it’s real. I am so thankful and happy to have this part of my workout and life back.

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Today was a no plan, do whatever the day brings, sort of Sunday. Inspired by last night’s cookies I decided to add some craisins to my morning oatmeal. It is kind of amazing what the smallest change will do for a dish. My boring bowl of oatmeal suddenly felt really sweet and indulgent. The calorie/points plus value was the exact same as when I use raisins.

Next, I went out on some random errands (groceries, bill paying, etc). I ended up at Target to pick up dog food for the fur babies and I spotted these really cute bowls. I like to mix it up from time to time with what plates/bowls I use on the blog so I love finding a cute print/pattern. I am pretty sure these bowls were meant to be since I was recently watching reruns of friends where they were using oversized cups in an almost identical print. I even searched for them online with no luck! Plus these were a steal at $7.00!

After my errands were done I stopped at Macys. It had just opened for the day and happened to be on the way home. I had two $5.00 gift cards (well use them or lose them $5 credits is more accurate) with a 1-31-11 expiration. I scoped out the sale sweaters and truthfully they were so incredibly “picked over” I almost just bought some tights to use up the credits so I would not lose them and be done with it. Luckily, I spotted these gems from last summer being put back out for sale. They were 75% off with an additional 40% off and I had a 15% off coupon. That plus my two $5 credits got me these fun little summer pieces for $0.03. True Story!

Once I dropped everything off at home I figured it had warmed up enough to go for a run outside. I drove downtown for a change in scenery to hit the trail. Apparently the trail did not get the memo that the snow had melted so I was faced with a frozen snowy mess. I slowed WAY down but the workout was still a good one. Not only was it a workout for my booty (trying to stay balanced) but it was also peaceful to just concentrate on what I was doing. I put U2 (my absolute favorite) on the I-Pod and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

I am now settling in at home to catch up on some TIVO (Rachael Ray has a LOT of shows during the week!) and start a chili meatloaf for dinner. What did you do this weekend?

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It is that time of year again, the time of year when networks countdown the most popular news stories, radio stations countdown the most popular songs, and individuals reminisce about the biggest moments of the year gone by.

I can truly say 2010 has been an amazing year for me. I am at a job I enjoy working with people I truly like. I have reconnected with old friends, made some new friends, and am closer than ever with the people I love. I have a little home with my husband and two sweet pups. Maybe most importantly, I am content and very thankful for the life I have.

Since this is just the right time of year for countdowns I give you my 10 favorite moments of 2010! (You can click any of the bold links to read more!)

10. Running In Pink Project was born.  One little post in March of 2010 started my blog, which has grown tremendously over the last year. I love having this creative outlet, which I hope will grow into something really great in 2011!

9. Happy Birthday to Me-Turning 30 at Disney World. Even though this was pre-blog it still had to make the list. I turned 30 in the happiest place on earth, finally got a photo with Alice, had ice cream for breakfast, and generally spent one the happiest days I’ve ever had at Disney with the hubs.

8. Getting my PR during a local 5K. The hubs and I attended a local 5k where I felt “free” to just run for the very first time!

7.  Wicked (and Wicked Again). You all know I love a musical. Wicked is pretty much my favorite. I was lucky enough to see the touring production twice this year. Once on a nice date night with the hubs and once for a fantastic girls day out!

6. Family Time. The hubs and I took a road trip to WV to get in some serious family bonding time!

5. Finishing the Wine and Dine ½ Marathon. While this experience had its bumps (the hubs dropping out, getting permission to run his leg of the relay along with mine, finishing after nearly getting swept) it was a bittersweet experience. However, I think it is an experience that made me a better person and so it is on my list of favorites for 2010.

4. Attending the Healthy Living Summit in Chicago. This experience was pretty amazing. I got to meet some really great girls, including online pal Andrea. I learned a ton and had a wonderful time visiting “The Windy City” for the very first time.

3. Fit for a Princess-Disney Princess ½ Marathon Weekend. Even though this ½ marathon did not go exactly how I had hoped it still introduced me to the joys of organized endurance events (Disney Style), prepared me for future races, and put a drive in my soul to “try harder” and “be better” Later in the year (see #5) I did just that! (On a side note-I am somewhat sad, yet resolved, in reporting I am not participating in the ½ this year. We will be there on vacation to cheer you girls on and I will be doing the Royal Family 5k so I can participate in the Princess weekend but weight loss, not training, is my focus this year. I hope to cap off my year of fitness and weight loss by participating again next year. But, I can’t wait to see everyone!!)

2. Visiting New York for the very first time. There is not much I can say here other than “WOW!”. This was an experience with three of my great girlfriends that I will never ever forget.

1. God Bless Texas! The hubs and I took a trip to Dallas Texas and see the Cowboys play. This might seem like a strange thing to take the top spot. However, the hubs and I had an amazing week in Dallas bonding, ate great food, saw my most favorite team of all time play football, toured the stadium, and made some really cool memories. It definitely meets the criteria for an amazing moment.

What are some of your favorite moments of 2010?

Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy, and Beautiful 2011!!!!

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I am not a fan of the infamous “New Years Resolution”. It’s not that I don’t get the appeal, because believe me, I do. A new year feels untarnished with bad choices, untouched by drama. It feels full of possibilities and second chances. However, we all know that a turn of the calendar does not absolve us of our choices, rid us of our demons, or serve as a free pass to starting anew. That is why today 12-27-10 I am making my anti-resolution.

What do I mean by that? Well, I will explain. Through multiple vacations, illness, holidays, etc I found that I “un-did” a lot of the good I did last fall. I gained back a lot of the weight I lost (not all but close enough), fell out of love with my fitness routine, and became a little bit of a mess. I became so obsessed with getting “back” to where I was that I lost site of the ultimate goal.

Today, I am putting an end to those things. After some long chats with the hubs I have made some choices. I truly feel this is what is best
for me and I hope you will be interested in reading about my process along the way. Here is what I have decided:

  • 12-31-10 is my start date. It is not a new year, month, or even week. This will be the day I will begin my journey. (Until then I am focusing simply on getting well. I have had a terrible cold since returning from NY and have been unable to do much of anything besides nap) 😦


  • My focus is fitness and weight loss. For now I will be solely concentrating on those things. When I try to throw other things into the mix (training for long runs etc) I get off track. My general fitness including weight loss and health is my #1 goal. I will not be training for anything longer than a 5K (ie something that does not require a special change in diet) until I can get a handle on those basics.


  • I will return to Weight Watchers 12-31-10 to start their new program. I am starting from “scratch” so to speak. Whatever my weight is on Friday will be my “start” weight. My goal is to leave the gains (and losses) of last year behind. I want to see what I am capable of in a year.


  • I will do weekly weigh in reports. All losses and gains will be blogged about. My blog friend Julia has inspired me this year and watching her through the last year has made me realize the prize is still obtainable even when you have bumps in the road. In other words the forest is more important than the trees.


  • I will do monthly updates (on the last day of each month) with photos.


  • I am measuring inches. Pounds are not the only thing to measure losses by.


  • I am not limiting myself to a year of fitness but using 2011 to see exactly what I can accomplish in 365 days!

Part of me is sad to be giving up distance running but I truly feel this is the best option for me right now. There are some very basic things I need to get in order before training for anything else. I know in the end this will make me a tougher more athletic individual. However, admitting this is what I have to do has been rough.  I feel  like I have done a lot of staring and restarting over the last year. However, the hubs and I both agree that this needs to be a top priority for us in 2011. I finally feel ready to meet the challenge. I hope that you will continue to read and join me on my quest!

What are your fitness goals for the upcoming year?

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I think it must be common for everyone to have days where you think to
yourself, “wow I would actually prefer a punch in the face to going in
for a workout today.” Today was one of those lousy exercise days for
me.  As the Disney Wine and Dine ½ Marathon approaches I find myself
feeling a little beaten down physically and mentally. Those old
feelings from last years Princess ½ are creeping in and saying, “ Are
you really sure you can do this?”

Starting the process of training for an event is difficult to describe
if you have never done it. You pretty much have to structure
everything in your personal life around this huge goal, especially
food and workouts.
I glanced at my calendar and saw today listed as
“Cross Training”. I feel guilty for being so relieved I did not have
to run today. So that left me with the question…. What am I going to
do today?



Zumba? (I’m still trying to get brave enough to go to one of these
classes for the first time)

After some thought I decided my cross training day was best spent
doing 20 minutes on three different cardio machines at the gym. I kept
it simple
, programmed in the “fat burn” program to each one, and
mindlessly sweated for 60 minutes. Mentally it did wonders for me to
not spend hours on a single task. I got to work different muscles, not
think about time/speed, and zone out to some cranked Britney Spears
and Glee tunes (no judgment!).

Tomorrow I will be hitting the pavement, running my 5 miles (being
thankful it’s not 10) and getting in a good place for the upcoming
race at Disney. How can I not smile about it when I know I am going to
be in Disney during my favorite time of year?

I am looking quite forward to (hopefully) not getting hurt this go
around and finally getting that shiny finishers metal I have been
coveting for so long!!

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When I was training for my first ½ Marathon I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know what equipment I would or wouldn’t need.  I didn’t know very much about nutrition, workouts, or workout recovery. Now, as I am in training for my second ½ marathon I am getting the hang of things so to speak and have learned a lot about my body, fitness, and recovery. One of the items I often heard discussed by other runners and fitness minded people was the “foam roller”. At the time I had no idea what it was or what it did but I heard it was great for recovering from runs and other workouts. When I got the opportunity to review one for my blog and OpenSky shop I jumped at the chance!

I was super excited to receive my high-density foam roller from the fabulous people at Fitness Wholesale. Once I got it my first thought was “Now What?” It turns out a quality foam roller is super simple to use. You can search for the term “foam roller exercises” and oodles of videos and how-to sites come up for your convenience. There are far too many to list here but trust me you can easily find one to meet your specific needs!  Since I was interested in combating the tightness in my back and legs after a run that is what I focused on. There are several simple things anyone can do to use a foam roller for workout recovery.

I also learned you can use the rollers for pilates and yoga as well. You might remember my love affair with P90X Yoga. I am looking forward to busting out the foam roller to work on my strength and form!

This particular roller is lightweight and extremely durable. I feel perfectly comfortable using it at my current size (extra fluff and all), as does my husband who is sporting a lot more muscle and height than I am.

I have noticed a huge difference in my recovery after a run. I am able to ease tension in my back that it was nearly impossible to “stretch out” before. I also noticed that with the foam roller I am able to work on problem areas without putting as much stress on my body. In sum, foam rollers are a great way to give yourself a back or leg massage, combat post-workout soreness and stiffness, and promote workout recovery.

I am really really excited to announce this is going to be the first item available in my OpenSky Shop. Remember as I mentioned before I am only putting items in my store that I personally use/love/recommend. So while the store might be a little slow to grow you know that everything inside is owned by yours truly and used in the Running In Pink Project household. I ~puffy heart~ shopping so I LOVE Love love being able to share that with you!

As a fun bonus the awesome team at OpenSky is offering Free Shipping on all items purchased from my store through August 16th. Simply enter the code FREESHIPING at checkout. I heart free shipping so I am thrilled to be able to offer it to you! Click here to visit my store and Happy Shopping!

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