
Posts Tagged ‘disney’

The Disney running events have had a huge impact on my desire to get fit. Disney is where I attempted my first ½ marathon last March as well as where I completed my first ½ marathon last October. In particular, The Princess ½ Marathon weekend is something I hold near and dear to my heart. It just so happens that the Princess ½ Marathon weekend falls during our favorite time to visit Disney (late Feb/early March) so it makes sense, with me being a lover of all things Disney and all things Princess, that I would participate.

This year is all about fitness and weight loss for me. I am going to concentrate on truly learning what is right for my body and getting back to my “happy weight” versus concentrating on training for distance and adding something more to the uphill battle I have in front of me this year. With that said, I did not want to be left out of this really fun, amazingly inspiring weekend at Disney. So, I have signed up for the Royal Family 5K. This way I can still go to the expo, see my wonderful healthy living blog girls, and take Saturday morning to run through the park for a 5k! We plan to spend the rest of that day at Hollywood Studios. I feel like this is the perfect compromise until I am in a place to train for a ½ again (maybe by next year.)

I was all smiles to learn the “theme” for the Royal Family 5k this year is Beauty and the Beast! How cute is that? I am hoping I can talk my expert tutu making friend Kris into helping me make a “Princess” tutu for the run and I will definitely have my tiara on!

The course runs through Epcot which should be fun and the best part is we are working some fitness into our family vacation! My goal is to get my speed/time up enough that I can stop at least twice to snap some Princess photos. It feels good to have a “stepping stone” type of goal to reach and I cannot wait to get to Disney in February!

Have you ever run a 5k, ½ marathon, or marathon at Disney?

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It is that time of year again, the time of year when networks countdown the most popular news stories, radio stations countdown the most popular songs, and individuals reminisce about the biggest moments of the year gone by.

I can truly say 2010 has been an amazing year for me. I am at a job I enjoy working with people I truly like. I have reconnected with old friends, made some new friends, and am closer than ever with the people I love. I have a little home with my husband and two sweet pups. Maybe most importantly, I am content and very thankful for the life I have.

Since this is just the right time of year for countdowns I give you my 10 favorite moments of 2010! (You can click any of the bold links to read more!)

10. Running In Pink Project was born.  One little post in March of 2010 started my blog, which has grown tremendously over the last year. I love having this creative outlet, which I hope will grow into something really great in 2011!

9. Happy Birthday to Me-Turning 30 at Disney World. Even though this was pre-blog it still had to make the list. I turned 30 in the happiest place on earth, finally got a photo with Alice, had ice cream for breakfast, and generally spent one the happiest days I’ve ever had at Disney with the hubs.

8. Getting my PR during a local 5K. The hubs and I attended a local 5k where I felt “free” to just run for the very first time!

7.  Wicked (and Wicked Again). You all know I love a musical. Wicked is pretty much my favorite. I was lucky enough to see the touring production twice this year. Once on a nice date night with the hubs and once for a fantastic girls day out!

6. Family Time. The hubs and I took a road trip to WV to get in some serious family bonding time!

5. Finishing the Wine and Dine ½ Marathon. While this experience had its bumps (the hubs dropping out, getting permission to run his leg of the relay along with mine, finishing after nearly getting swept) it was a bittersweet experience. However, I think it is an experience that made me a better person and so it is on my list of favorites for 2010.

4. Attending the Healthy Living Summit in Chicago. This experience was pretty amazing. I got to meet some really great girls, including online pal Andrea. I learned a ton and had a wonderful time visiting “The Windy City” for the very first time.

3. Fit for a Princess-Disney Princess ½ Marathon Weekend. Even though this ½ marathon did not go exactly how I had hoped it still introduced me to the joys of organized endurance events (Disney Style), prepared me for future races, and put a drive in my soul to “try harder” and “be better” Later in the year (see #5) I did just that! (On a side note-I am somewhat sad, yet resolved, in reporting I am not participating in the ½ this year. We will be there on vacation to cheer you girls on and I will be doing the Royal Family 5k so I can participate in the Princess weekend but weight loss, not training, is my focus this year. I hope to cap off my year of fitness and weight loss by participating again next year. But, I can’t wait to see everyone!!)

2. Visiting New York for the very first time. There is not much I can say here other than “WOW!”. This was an experience with three of my great girlfriends that I will never ever forget.

1. God Bless Texas! The hubs and I took a trip to Dallas Texas and see the Cowboys play. This might seem like a strange thing to take the top spot. However, the hubs and I had an amazing week in Dallas bonding, ate great food, saw my most favorite team of all time play football, toured the stadium, and made some really cool memories. It definitely meets the criteria for an amazing moment.

What are some of your favorite moments of 2010?

Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy, and Beautiful 2011!!!!

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In less than 72 hours I’ll be weighing in at Weight Watchers and jump-starting my 365 days to a fitter (and happier) me. So what does one do in their last 72 hours of freedom? Some might indulge in favorite treats or “last meals” but I kind of don’t believe in that. I think that is the sort of flawed thinking that gets us into these messes to begin with. (Though I will admit I had full fat milk in my coffee this morning. *gasp!*

I am taking a different kind of approach during these last 72 hours. I am preparing the tools for my success.

1. My Weight Watchers Card. I am signed up for auto-pay and ready to hit the scale Friday morning and my meetings on Monday nights.

2. A Notebook. I can plan meals and work outs a week in advance. I can keep my WW logs in here, save measurements, and brainstorm for future blogs.

3. Water to Go. I am cleaning my trusty pink water bottle and getting her ready for some serious water drinking action.

4. DVDs. I am sorting through workout DVDs to pull out some faves for days I just cannot make it to the gym.

5. Yoga. I am busting out the new yoga mat and block I got for Christmas and looking for some classes to take in town.

6. Gym Schedule. I need to learn the weight machines and maybe take a class or two. The New Year is all about learning full body fitness.

7. Blogs. I am reading YOUR blogs to get some excellent fitness and food ideas.

8. Disney. Yes maybe it seems lame but looking forward to my next trip (and run) at Disney takes me to my happy place! I think its fine to pull inspiration from wherever you can (or wherever you want).

9. Volunteering. I am looking for races or events to volunteer at. Nothing is quite as inspirational as watching amazing athletes push their limits.

10. Friends. I am rallying family and friends to keep me on track. Your loved ones are probably your most valuable resource. They want to see you succeed!

What are some of the tools of YOUR success?

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The hubs and I were up reasonably early (10ish) despite not making it to bed until after 4:00a.m the night before. I was incredibly sore and incredibly hungry so the hubs and I headed to Downtown Disney so I could stretch out my legs some, and we could grab lunch. We decided on Earl of Sandwich (yup again) where we both got hot clubs. This was almost as good as my favorite sandwich- The All American…almost

After lunch the hubs and I did some shopping. I picked up a Minnie Mouse case for my sunglasses, a hounds-tooth print Mickey Mouse (who now sits in my living room), some Mickey Halloween votives and of course our piece of glass. This time I chose Belle and Beast. We also got silly at World of Disney and tried on hats. I am pretty sure it is time for me to upgrade to sparkly ears!

After some shopping we decided to head over to Ghiradelli. We split a hot-fudge Sunday even though I am sure I could have eaten a whole one on my own. This is one of those moments where I am proud “could” did not equal “would” and I was able to indulge without having a total calorie fest!

After snapping some photos we went back to the hotel to rest a little before our night out.

The hubs and I have several pals in Orlando and we made a date to meet up with Mark and Mandi at Universal Studios City Walk. The hubs and I arrived early and looked in a couple of stores before heading over to Margaritaville to meet up with our friends.

Even though this Margaritaville was not quite as much fun as the one at Myrtle Beach it was still a really nice time and cool atmosphere. I had a couple mango margaritas (frozen-the best!!) with my dinner and was feeling pretty fabulous by the time we left.

We spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing, snapping photos and catching up. Seeing old friends is the best, It’s just hard to always be saying good-bye.

The next morning the hubs and I headed to the airport to get on standby for earlier flights home. We made it on the second flight out and before I knew it my Disney weekend was over. I cannot wait to get back to FL in February. It’s been almost a year since I have actually been to a park (besides running through them or the Epcot after party) so I am ready for some Magic Kingdom fun! (and some Islands of Adventure/Harry Potter and Animal Kingdom fun and Hollywood Studios fun..just saying)

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Even though I had rested for most of the day I was still somewhat tired going into the night race. The hubs assured me my excitement would get me through it. So, after stocking my armpocket with gummy bears we headed to Epcot.

All racers not being transported to and from the hotels by Disney had to park at Epcot in an attempt for less congestion/traffic at ESPN Wide World of Sports (which does not have the vast amount of parking Epcot does). It also would make it easier for racers and their loved ones to leave following the after party. The hubs and I took a photo for luck and he walked me to the busses.

I was sad the hubs was unable to run with me, especially since I had been counting on seeing his face at mile 5 where I would have been picking him up. I absently checked again for my email granting me permission to run his leg. I had gotten that permission when I thought I would be running with him. Later, it seemed this idea became problematic so I was glad I thought to save, print, and forward my original email. I knew I would not be eligible for any of the “full” benefits including awards (um yeah right!), an official finishing time (I would have my tag clipped at mile 5), online tracking, or the full medal. As long as I got my relay medal (which I was assured I would) I really did not care about anything else other than finishing. I was completely fine with all of the stipulations and actually started feeling excited and hopeful as we pulled into the Wide World of Sports.

With just under 11,000 runners the lawn at ESPN was crazy! There were runners everywhere, a really fun DJ, and they even brought out Chef Mickey and Minne. Thankfully, I was near the front when this happened so I was able to snag a photo with Minnie before the line got too long.

I realized I was getting a little worn out and punch drunk from the dancing and excitement so I found a patch of grass to sit down on, listen to the music, and stretch. It barely seemed like any time had passed at all before I was headed to the port-o-potty (the ickest part of racing in my opinion) and to my starting corral.

Once I was in my corral I decided to sit down again. Everyone was jittery and it was making me nervous. Plus you can burn a lot of nervous energy in 45 minutes. I happily ate my gummy bears and tried to get ready to race. I saw a lot of people around me that were all shapes and sizes, some doing relay and some doing the ½. This made me happy. As someone who definitely does not have a “runners body” (not even close) it felt nice to see other people giving the Disney races a try!

At 10 minutes until go time I stood up, stretched a little more, and started to get in my mental “sweet spot” for running. I was already tired and I knew this was going to be rough. Plus, if I am being honest I must admit I was scared. I did not want to fail. I said a little prayer (which I always tend to do right before a race) and then I felt ready to give it my best shot. A few moments later they released the wheelchair athletes and then came our countdown and (my fave) the fireworks.

The first mile was chaotic and confusing as it always is. Without a wave start (meaning they started all corrals at once) there were pretty much people everywhere. People were walking, running, jogging, doing intervals, etc. No one was really going at the same pace other than the super fast peeps who were long gone. The first mile always makes me jittery but in between miles 2-3 things seemed to even out. Somewhere in the first couple of miles we ran out of Wide World of Sports and I thought it was really fun to run so close to the ginormous red ESPN sign. That might have been my favorite part.

I did not take any photos on the course. It was dark and I was too nervous to concentrate on photos. I made a mistake on this course in that I was very overzealous in the beginning and I felt myself starting to waiver as early as mile 4!! I ate some gummy bears, found a much slower pace, and went on my way. Luckily, the next few miles would be a great pick-me-up. I had never been to Animal Kingdom so I was looking all around and trying to soak everything in as I went through. Sadly, my dream of running with lions was dashed as I did not see a single animal on my run through the park. 😉

After Animal Kingdom is where I would have picked up the hubs. My timer was clipped and I was sent on my way. I did not even have to bust out my email. The next part of the run was in Hollywood Studios, which was also fun. Running in the parks is by far the coolest thing about a Disney race.

At this point I started feeling like I was going to throw up. I had not brought my own water/Gatorade, which was a huge mistake. I needed more sips than there were stops on the course. I found myself feeling really sick in between water stops.

I was really tired, walking a lot, and shaking by this point. I had not eaten enough pre-race and will bring my peanut butter with me next time. But, I was almost finished which was a good thing since the guys on the bikes (you know the ones) were buzzing all around. I became paranoid about being swept right at the end so I tried to get my speed up. This was a terrible idea and I actually 1. yelled in pain 2. started to tear up 3. resolved myself that this might not happen for me.

I kept going at my walk/jog pace for what seemed like an eternity and a girl on the sideline told me “you have just a little over a quarter of a mile to go”. I teared up again. I was so excited to be finishing and just to be done. I wish I could say I finished super strong but in reality I walk/jogged across the finish line (for relay-ers) and got my medal. I know I was not the last person to finish. There were at least 2 girls behind me, possibly more but I know I was one of the “back of the pack” finishers. That was ok with me. I remembered the saying “ Dead Last trumps Did not Finish which greatly trumps Did not have the courage to start”. Even though it wasn’t the strongest finish  I still felt like I had won the Olympics.

I started texting friends right away and then I realized I felt like I was going to be sick. I took my refreshment bag and sipped on powerade while I inhaled a banana chocolate chip muffin. Immediately after this I had some water and a piece of hard candy. I felt myself returning to normal.

Right away I set off to find the hubs who was waiting for me in front of “the ball” at Epcot. I slowly made my way over to him and realized he looked almost as tired as I felt.

Epcot was packed and we had to wait in line forever for our tastes and sips. The idea was a lot of fun and I ended the night with a fantastic (and much deserved) piece of baklava. YUM! The hubs and I headed back to the hotel for much overdue sleep.

I cried in the car on the way back to the hotel. I told my husband I did not think I had what it took to go through that again. After talking with Andrea, Casie, and some work pals I felt better knowing my reaction was completely normal and would fade away.

I am now more excited than ever to start training for the Princess ½ marathon. I don’t feel like I have anything to prove this go around so I will be running for fun. The experience, and not the finishing, will be my goal. Plus, the princess ½ trip will be our long Disney vacation for the year. I don’t want to spend it overly sore, sad, or disappointed. I will run in my tiara until I just don’t want to run anymore or I hit that 13.1 whichever comes first. 😉

Overall, I learned a lot during this race and feel I will be better prepared when the Princess ½ rolls around in February. Now if we can just talk the hubs into running it again…..

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We did some sleeping in on Saturday (race day!) and then it was off for breakfast. I was really unsure how to fuel for the day so I decided on a large breakfast followed by small easy to digest meals throughout the day. The hubs and I had heard good things about KeKe’s Breakfast Café so that is where we headed to get our late morning meal.

I had been craving waffles so I ordered a Belgium waffle with fresh cream and fruit. I made it ½ way through the waffle (cream was a terrible idea it turns out) and ¾ way through the fruit.

After breakfast the hubs and I headed over to the outlets for some light shopping. The hubs posted on his twitter that we made it through the shopping with “minimal damage” so everyone left happy.

My one indulgent purchase was a pink patent leather COACH bag that I just could not leave behind. Plus it was an additional 50% off the sale price. Score!

We spent the rest of the day resting up for the race. I had water and Gatorade throughout the day and the hubs watched lame movies on the flat screen. Finally, I sent the hubs out to Panrea Bread for my pre-race meal of peanut butter and jelly on wheat.

I could barely believe the moment I had been waiting for so long for was finally arriving. I got dressed in my running gear, checked to make sure my I-pod was charged, stuffed a copy of my email (the one granting me permission to run the hub’s leg of the race) in my armpocket and I was ready to go!

Next Up….The Race Recap 🙂

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It was an early wake-up call for the hubs and I Friday morning. In
fact, it was so early I would wager to say it was still “late night”
versus “early morning”. If you have never had your alarm go off at
2:45am in order to catch a flight consider yourself lucky. A mere 45
minutes later the hubs and I were out the door and headed to Richmond,
VA to catch our non-stop flight to Orlando.

I listened to Disney Radio the entire flight and I dare you to call me
lame! 😉 The flight was short and uneventful and at 9:30 am we touched
down in Orlando. After a quick stop to grab my pink luggage we were on
our way to breakfast.

We stopped at a Cracker Barrel where I got eggs, wheat toast, and
turkey sausage. I really need to research some more healthful Orlando
options so any of you frequent FL goers, speak up! After breakfast we
were off to ESPN Wide World of Sports for the Wine and Dine expo.

Race expos are a lot of fun. I really enjoyed checking out all of the
vendors. I was pretty excited that Nestle Quick was a sponsor since
chocolate milk is my recovery drink of choice after a long run. I was
also really stoked to visit One More Mile Running Apparel’s booth and
pick up an “I thought they said ‘RUM’ “ shirt to run in. Pretty
fitting I thought. I also visited THE glass slipper.

My favorite part of the expo had to be hearing Jeff Galloway speak. He
was quite inspiring and I am picking up a couple of his books before I
start training for the Princess ½. He talked a lot about finishing
strong and the ability to get in there and finish what you start. He
was great and it was exciting to hear him speak. I also learned about
a fun little gadget I am planning to ask Santa for this year.

After the expo the hubs and I snuggled in for a much needed nap. But,
as what always happens when I am at Disney, I was up and ready to go
in less than 2 hours. I did not want to waste precious vacation time
in the room.

The hubs and I headed to downtown Disney to have our traditional
“first night dinner” at Earl of Sandwich. I pretty much love this
place. Its inexpensive and yummy. I got my favorite item, The All
American (turkey, cheddar, lettuce, tomato, cranberries). I did not
really watch my food intake on this trip. I admit it freaked me out a
touch at first but sometimes you just have to relax.

After dinner the hubs and I did a little window-shopping. I spotted a
Mickey Mouse that I knew I had to take home so we made plans to come
back on Sunday and shop. After snapping a few photos it was time to
head back to the hotel for a good night’s sleep.

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Hello my name is Sara and I am a Disney-holic. I make no apologies for this. Ever since my first trip to the Magic Kingdom at age 11 I have been hooked on Disney. I have friends, great friends, who cannot understand this obsession and a very patient husband who is learning to deal with it. Disney, for me, really feels like being a kid again. I never feel disappointed or let down after a visit. I get completely excited about visiting the parks, riding the rides, and eating Mickey Mouse ice cream.

The hubs and I have started our own Disney traditions of eating at Earl of Sandwich upon arriving in FL and always getting a glass figure and Christmas ornament at Downtown Disney to add to our collection. We also stalk the Alice in Wonderland characters (my fave) and ride the teacups first. Thinking about passing these traditions along to my one-day-some-day children makes me smile and gives me a serious case of the warm fuzzies.

Even though the hubs is a Disney lover in the making (IE: isn’t a huge fan just yet) we have spent some pretty important milestones at Disney. This is where we went on our first “real” vacation as a couple.

Disney is where we spent our first wedding anniversary.

We also visited Disney when I turned the big 3-0 earlier this year!

Now we are counting down again to some Disney Magic as we leave in 8 days for the Disney Wine and Dine ½ Marathon. I am pretty much beyond excited and have already started making my “To Pack” and “To Do” lists.

In celebrating the fun that is Disney I leave you with these questions:

1.      What is your favorite Disney park (other than The Magic Kingdom)?
2.      What is your favorite dining spot at Disney?
3.      What is your favorite Disney movie?
4.      Who is your favorite Disney character?

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Today I officially started to taper with my mileage. This is one of the nicest and most nerve wrecking parts of the training process. It is nice because you know until the big event you will not have a run that consists of over 5 miles. It is unnerving because your mind keeps telling you it would be “better” to keep up that high mileage until the race. However, pretty much every training plan on the planet tapers for at least the last 2 weeks before an event so here we are. I did learn some interesting things on my run today.

  1. I need to re-vamp my running play-list ASAP. This is a high priority before race time!
  2. Forgetting to take water on even a shorter run will still cause muscle cramps (silly me!)
  3. People are odd. I heard a mom tell her toddler that organic milk was “dirty” and it had germs in it. Ahem.

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Here is where it starts to all pay off. All of the weeks of stressing and feeling beaten down and broken start to fade into the background of being so excited about a race. In less than 9 days I will be running the Disney Wine and Dine ½ Marathon!! My goal is to finish. This probably seems silly to those more athletically inclined but this has been a huge battle for me. All I want is that shiny finishers medal around my neck!

I am trying hard not to focus on the issues I had during the Princess ½ last year but rather take this opportunity to find reasons to feel confident about succeeding. So far I have:

1.      I am running this race 37 lbs lighter
2.      I am running this race having trained better/harder
3.      I know my body better and what it needs during a workout
4.      I will have the hubs right there with me
5.      I have participated in a race at Disney before and know what to expect
6.      I have participated in several 5Ks and feel less anxious about running with others
7.      I am more comfortable with my pace
8.      I know what it feels like to not finish and refuse to let that happen again

With that said, here are a couple of pictures from my last race at Disney to get me motivated!

I can’t wait!!!!

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