
Archive for June, 2010

Wednesday Smiles

Here is why I am all smiles on this Wednesday…..

  • A fantastic and easy lunch (that I didn’t have to make.) I love to pick up a quick lunch when I am having a crazy day at the office. I had a bottle of skim milk with this chicken sub.

  • Strawberries. They are so fresh and yummy right now!

  • Free Cookbook. A work friend gave me a fun cookbook today. Just like my Nanna I love love love cookbooks. I like to read them, dog-ear favorite recipes and figure out ways to “health out” recipes that I think look cool or interesting.

  • Grocery Shopping. I heart an afternoon at the store. I picked up some essentials and goodies. The individual containers of hummus are a must buy!

  • My favorite dinner. I made my “Worlds best Sandwiches” for dinner tonight along with some baked potato wedges.

  • Fruit Bars: Cold, Fresh Fruit Chunks, 80 calories, fantastic, AND on sale!

  • The upcoming weekend. I have tons of fun plans with my hubs and girlfriends for the long weekend. Anyone else seeing Eclipse this weekend?


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After my kick in the face that was Monday I was slightly apprehensive
about what might be in store for me today. It would turn out I had
nothing to be afraid of. Today was run of the mill ordinary and that
was just fine with me!

I was re-reading some old blogs of mine last night and was annoyed at
how much “talking” and not doing that I have been doing lately. I talk
about how I am going to change things up and I talk about why I feel
the way I feel. I talk about making plans for change and it seems I
just talk talk talk without doing much of anything lately. I think the
reason behind it is that I had plateau-ed and I wanted to do anything
but deal with how I was feeling. Stuck at 35 pounds with so much to
lose feels frustrating. It also feels like an excuse to get agitated
and slip (just enough) into some bad habits. BUT with that identified
it is time to put on my grown up pants and do something. So I did

I am back to strictly counting Weight Watchers points and following
the good health guidelines. A rundown of my food today looked like

Breakfast was a whole grain slice of toast with one egg, some sugar free juice, and fresh berries. Yum!

Lunch was left over whole grain pasta with veggies, ground turkey and white cheese sauce.

My mid-afternoon snack was yogurt and Bare Naked granola. I HEART this granola. It might just be my fave.

Tonight’s dinner is on the stove: White Bean Chicken Chilli.

I am back on a regular workout schedule. Today was 60 minutes at the gym and tomorrow will be the same plus 30 minutes of cleaning my car.If you don’t think car cleaning is a workout then you aren’t doing it right. 😉 The wonder-bug will be most pleased to be cleaned!

Yesterday marked the 2-week countdown until I start training for the
Disney Wine and Dine ½ Marathon. (July 12) I cannot wait to have that
drive and purpose spurring me forward again.

In other, more depressing news, I am still working on getting those
last couple of re-gained pounds off that showed up during my brilliant
“don’t be a slave to the scale challenge”. Ahem. Live and Learn.

Since Monday is technically a holiday I cannot resume official
weigh-ins until July 12 but rest assured I am monitoring twice weekly
at home and will be back to weekly weigh in reports on July 12.

Also, the hubs and I are on a mission for a more active summer.
Instead of movies and ice cream we are going for swimming and
grilling. I am thinking of taking up tennis .I WILL bike that 5 miles
before the summer is over. I am just doing whatever I can to change
our lifestyle not just our bodies.  What is your favorite summer fun

Finally, all of the fun changes I have been teasing for the blog will
be up and running by late August. Sometimes Fabulousness takes time
friends. Hmmm maybe I should keep that in mind for myself too. 🙂

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Monday Confessions

Sometimes when I have a terrible day I tend to skip blogging or just concentrate on the positive (which I try SO hard to do). But sometimes a bad day is just a bad day. So in the spirit of honesty here is my Monday time line for you…

1. Threw out my breakfast because I felt it tasted weird.

2. Had to take my own car (versus a company car) on a meeting.

3. Got pulled over on the way back due to an expired inspection sticker….even though I have an appointment Thursday.

4. Get back to the office at lunch starved since I skipped breakfast. I then tossed my lunch because I thought it smelled weird.

5. Went to get my yogurt which was open. Really? Tossed it.

6. A spider drops from my car ceiling on the way home.

7. No napkins in the car so I hit the spider with my hand to keep it from crawling on me.

8. Pulled into McDonalds to wash my hands and burst into tears in a McDonalds stall.

9. Get home to find one of my (normally crated during the day) dogs out.

10. She had shredded paper all over the house and barfed in our breezeway.

Ahem. Yes. Today was bad. And did I take the high road and workout through it?? Nope. I had popcorn for dinner and am watching Melrose Place reruns. So today’s moral? Life happens. You can’t always take the high road. But I will be back to working out and blogging tomorrow. Tonight… Melrose Place.Anyone else have a Monday horror story?

Have a Happy and Healthy Monday!

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Skin Deep

If this week is any indication this is going to be one hot and sunny
summer. www.skincancerprevention.org lists some tips on how to stay
safe in the sun:

1.      Do not burn: Avoid sun tanning and tanning beds.  Ultraviolet light
from the sun and tanning beds causes skin cancer and wrinkling.  If
you want to look like you’ve been in the sun, consider using a sunless
self-tanning product, but continue to use sunscreen with it.

2.      Generously apply sunscreen to all exposed skin using a Sun
Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 which provides broad-spectrum
protection from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB)
radiation.  Re-apply every two hours, even on cloudy days, and after
swimming or sweating.

3.      Wear protective clothing such as a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a
wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, where possible.

4.      Seek shade when appropriate, remembering that the sun’s rays are
the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

5.      Use extra caution near water, snow and sand as they reflect the
damaging rays of the sun, which can increase your chance of sunburn.

Also, if you are anything like me you were a little spooked by the big
story a few weeks ago linking the use of sunscreen to skin cancer
(crazy right!?). While the thought is very frightening there are a lot
of facts to consider. Visit About.Com/Cancer for more information on
the alleged link between skin cancer and sun block.

Finally, Some Running In Pink Project tips for fun in the sun:

1.      Big Sunglasses. It covers your pretty eyes and tons of that
sensitive skin around the eye area. Added bonus- They look fabulous!

2.      Wear white. Even if you just have a touch of a tan you will look
great. Plus you will stay cooler. Added bonus: White in the summer is
super chic!

3.      Save Face. By using a foundation or bronzer with sunscreen you are
saving your gorgeous face from a painful burn. I also love love  love
the tinted sunscreens offered by cosmetic companies such as Clinique.
Added Bonus: You’ll look great with the fresh look a bronzer provides.

4.      All things in moderation. Come inside for a bit. You’ll cool down,
be able to tell if you are getting burned, and have a chance to
re-charge. Added Bonus: You’ll have enough energy to sip cocktails by
the pool when the sun starts to go down.

Have a Healthy and Happy Summer!!

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Ok so you don’t ALWAYS have to say no to funnel cakes but visiting amusement parks, fairs, etc can be tricky when you are watching your diet, are a vegetarian, or following any sort of eating plan. Tricky but not impossible. Yesterday was the summer family day for the hubs’ work. We spent the day at Kings Dominion in Richmond, VA.  Amusement parks in general are full of unhealthy temptations so you just have to be in the right frame of mind before you go.

I started the day with a V8 Fusion and an egg on toast. Killing those morning cravings makes you less likely to grab a doughnut or fast food sandwich on the drive up.

Next for us came the 2 hour drive. Most people have a little bit of a drive ahead of them when heading into amusement parks. This is also a time when people tend to snack on chips and other caloric foods out of boredom. Since I had already eaten breakfast I knew I would be fine making it to the park snack free. I did grab a big bottle of water for the road.

Other than Disney (and Busch Gardens for Hallowscream) I am not a huge amusement park fan.  However free tickets = a super fun Friday out so we, along with the hubs mother, brother, and little sister, headed into the park for a day of fun.

We had a fun morning and afternoon of riding rides and snapping pictures for the blog. I was tempted before lunch by the incredible smell of fresh french fries but decided to hold off on eating anything until lunch.

Even though I knew our lunch was going to be a catered event I was on the lookout all day for healthy eating options. There were Subway options in several parts of the park. Most of the grills (with indoor seating) had salad options and a couple of them even had veggie/lentil burgers. I sampled a bite of the veggie burgers served in the park and they are not terrible. With the bun, veggies, and condiments I think it would make a pretty decent meal.  We headed over to the Pavillion area for the hub’s work lunch. It was an “all you care to eat” situation with a lot of the typical options. I chose a small bun with a small serving of BBQ, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles with a small salad (fat free dessing) and a serving of chips. I drank tons of water and a diet soda. It was a yummy and filling lunch and I didn’t feel tempted to go back for more. There were LOADS of options but I think you can stay mindful while selecting a few choices for your meal. Just say yes to veggies/fruit and with everything else just keep track of the calories you are eating.

And of course there was dessert. I find that unless there is something you are dying to have (like I cant not have Mickey ice cream at Disney) then you should pick something where you can closely monitor the calories you are taking in. I chose a chocolate “eclair” ice cream bar (and the hubs chose strawberry).

After lunch it was time to go burn off some of those calories at the water slides and pool. I LOVE swimming in the summer and as a bonus it burns a lot of calories. Plus wave pools are just lots of fun.

Love some toes in the sunshine

Before we knew it our day of fun in the sun was over and it was time to head home. We of course had to stop for dinner on the way home as it was around 8:00 and we would not be getting home until after 10:00. I was able to get a huge plate of fruit and a grilled chicken sandwich (not pictured). Less is more with these sandwiches so just say no to fatty extras like cheese, bacon and sauces.  Piling on the veggies adds all of the flavor you need!

So it is possible to have a day at the park and stay on plan. I did not use a single “flex” point yesterday meaning I came in right on target with my calories. Fun in the Sun is about the fun not the food so just say no to items you know you’ll regret eating later.

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Sometimes you have to just be wise enough to know when something isn’t working. I started my June challenge with the best of intentions: to stop being a slave to the scale and the numbers. What has happened in reality is I have become less diligent with tracking my food and planning good workouts. So, while I am going to try my hardest not to
jump on the scale every single day I do have to admit it is an important tool in the process. For me accountability is a key factor in weight loss. I know I can’t complete my summer challenge without it.

What’s more is I have missed my Weight Watchers meetings and the support I find there. I miss my leader Stephanie and all of the people who sit there week after week with a common goal. I guess I didn’t realize what a big deal it was until it wasn’t there anymore. So for me this June challenge was a bust in the sense I have gained 4 lbs (I am betting some of this is water as I have been slacking there as well) and I used a lack of weigh-ins as an excuse to derail a little.
(Oh yes sure Ill have a handful or 5 of your movie popcorn) On the flip side it was a success because I learned to identify these problem behaviors and get a solution in place before they got out of control. So the June Challenge is officially wrapped up.  I will start official Weight Watchers weigh-ins again in July (weekly no excuses) and will weigh in at home this week.

I am so ready to start my summer challenge of 35 lbs gone before summer turns to fall. I am going to kick-start this program with a cleanse of sorts on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (nothing drastic just loads of fruit, veggies, water, and light entrees). Thursday will kick off a new month (and a new challenge), which I will tell you a little more about over the weekend. I will say the hubs is doing the July challenge with me so it should be interesting.

Today’s eats were pretty simple. I had a breakfast sandwich and Trop 50 this morning before heading into the office. Have I mentioned this week that Trop 50 rocks my socks??

Lunch was left over cashew chicken. This is the best thing to make to kill a craving for Chinese food, which can be loaded with fat and calories. Also, it’s fresh which is a bonus and you can throw in whatever veggies you like.

Tonight’s dinner was once again Chicken Sammies. I really must get us out of this Thursday rut.

I am rushing around tonight getting everything packed up for a day trip tomorrow. The hub’s company’s summer social event is being held at Kings Dominion in Richmond, VA. For those of you not familiar with this it is similar to a Six Flags type of amusement park. We are planning a full day of rides and swimming (I heart water slides and wave pools). I will also be on the lookout for healthy food options at KD to announce on tomorrow’s blog. Eating well at amusement parks can be a challenge but it’s definitely do-able.

I dug through the vastness that is my closet and found a cute amusement park friendly outfit. The thought of jean capris in this weather made me die a little inside. Soo I decided on shorts and loose fabrics on top (without looking like I am sporting jammies.)  Also a long swing-pack type bag can help you avoid that oh so unfortunate fanny pack situation!

On a final note, I met up with one of my best high school friends this week for dinner. We sadly had not seen each other for nearly 10 years. Sometimes you dont realize just how much youve missed someone until you see them again. So in honor of that here are some photos of us ala 1997 (age 17) and then from our meet up at Wildflour this week!

Have a Happy and Healthy Thursday!

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I am feeling a little nostalgic. In a few weeks registration opens for
the 2011 Disney Princess ½ Marathon. I signed up in September of last
year for the 2010 Disney Princess ½ and I can truly say it changed my
When I signed up for this ½ marathon I did it because of my love
for all things Pink, Prissy, and Princess. It turned out to be so much
more. I was in the worst shape of my life when I decided to fill out
that registration form. I could not run 20 seconds without pain or
feeling winded. Just walking a slow mile on the treadmill had my back
tight and my feet sore. But with this goal in front of me I worked
harder than I ever had for anything before
. I ran the trail in the
rain, snow, and freezing cold. I hit the gym, started to learn about
nutrition, and started reading fitness blogs. When the race finally
arrived it did not go as I intended. It was much harder than anything
I had anticipated in my wildest dreams. I will confess today for the
first time that when I got hurt 8 miles in I was a little relieved
because I don’t know how much further I could have gone. My fear of
failing even after all I had gone through was still holding me back.
Even with all of that I still would not change my experience for
anything in the world.
I never doubt it made me stronger. The last few
months have been instrumental in curbing the fear that is all too
common with someone struggling to lose weight. I don’t feel nervous
about the Wine and Dine ½ Marathon coming up in October. I feel
confident the hubs and I will finish strong
. And as proud as I know I
will feel I still have a little something to take up with the Princess
½. I could finish a million races but I won’t be satisfied until I get
that princess medal
. This is why the hubs and I have decided to
register for the 2011 Disney Princess ½ marathon. If you think you
can’t do this I am going to tell you if I can you can. Even if you are
not in shape making the choice now will give you 8 months to get where
you need to be. Think it over. It may just change everything. Are
there any fellow Princesses out there planning to run the 2011 Disney
Princess ½ Marathon with me?

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Summer Challenge

Welcome to Summer! While I am the first to admit I prefer suede boots
to espadrilles, lush fabrics to flimsy, and sweaters to sarongs there
is just something about summer that makes me smile. Maybe it’s the
childhood memories of playing outside until dark and catching
lightening bugs with my Nana or the teenage memories of my best
girlfriends and I spending our days by the pool and our nights just
driving and talking and laughing. Whatever it is summer has one of
those special “warm and fuzzy” kind of places in my heart. I am
starting this summer with a challenge. I am looking to lose 35 lbs
before summer turns into fall. Ambitious? Yes. Doable? Definitely.
Summer is going to be my season to kick things up to the next level.
Take your own summer challenge with me! Lose that last 5 lbs, commit
to walking 3 days a week, commit to couch to 5k- Just commit to
something healthy for the summer. It is a great way to not loose your
drive and focus.

This is great timing since I resume Weight Watchers weigh-in’s next
week. I can monitor my progress and share it here on the blog. What
are you going to commit to this summer?

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The weekend has been full of some great workouts and physical activity but also full of great food. Since food is a part of the fitness, food, fashion, and fun that is my blog I thought I would highlight some of my favorite weekend “eats”.

Friday night the hubs took me to dinner at Water Stone in Lynchburg, VA. Water Stone is a trendy and fun “fire roasted” pizza eatery in downtown Lynchburg. Water Stone is great because it is this little gem nestled in between all of these random old buildings. Plus once you go inside it has a very laid back ambiance and feel. They have tons of local beer, some of the best specialty martinis ever (Dirty Shirley is the best!) and great pizza. The pizza’s are some of the best I have ever had as they start with a vegan thin crust and top them with super fresh ingredients like spinach, fire roasted tomato, goat cheese etc etc. During our date we chose the fried green tomato stack: 3 slices of fried green tomato on a bed of pesto with fresh mozzarella and grape tomatoes topped with a balsamic vinaigrette and a blackened chicken pizza with spinach, sliced tomato, red onions, and red pepper flake. It was perfect! A great way to get your pizza fix without being stuffed or downing a million calories.

After the race on Saturday we headed over to spend the day with the hub’s family. I have a little family so I really lucked out marrying into a HUGE family.  Friends also stopped by too and it was a great fun in the sun kind of day.

Bryan and I headed over right after the 5k. We were apparently both feeling the plaid since we both ended up wearing it. I had to smile as I thought last summer I could barely cram into those shorts. I am talking lay down on the bed to zip them kind of cram. This weekend I could take them on and off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. Another 5 lbs and they wont be wearable at all. 🙂 I guess I need to go plaid shorts shopping!

I love love love a cookout. grilled meat and veggies could quite possibly be my most favorite thing to eat. There is just something about the taste of grilled food. Can you pick out my organic chicken amongst the burgers and hotdogs? If you are in doubt, take your own stuff. People won’t mind making it for you. Honestly, your family and friends will get used to it and it will be just another item to throw on the grill.

I sampled several things (I heart a pot-luck type event) but didn’t take a ton of any one thing except… Except for my veggie pasta salad. I knew it was super low calorie. This is the easiest thing to make for cookouts. Plus its mayo free so that is a bonus. I  stole borrowed this recipe from my friend Kristen. You make a bag of the “wacky mac” veggie spiral pasta as directed. Cool the pasta (you can run cold water over it) then toss in 1 packet of zesty Italian dry seasoning mix and 1 bottle of fat free Zesty Italian salad dressing (the liquid kind). Stir and put in the fridge until cookout time. Yum!

Also, since Saturday is my dessert day I had some fantastic cake (not pictured). I LOVE a cake with fresh strawberries. The weather was gorgeous for a cookout. Pretty blue skies and white fluffy clouds.

In order to burn off some of that awesome food there were tons of games set up: Volley Ball, Badminton, Ladder Toss, and this fabulous little gem of a game that I am becoming quite skilled at…

What is your favorite cookout game? We were there from 12 until after dark. I have to say a great day of good games/fun/food/family makes for a very tired Me!

This morning the hubs made breakfast (not pictured) and we headed out to see a dollar movie. We saw Bounty Hunter which was totally adorable. I always forget how much I heart Jennifer Aniston. When we got home we decided on peach yogurt, granola, and water for lunch.

Tonight’s dinner was organic tacos on whole grain shells with a side of sliced pears. Tonight’s snack a most fabulous 3 WW point treat…a peppermint patty. I heart those!! I hope you had as fun of a weekend as I did and a happy and healthy week ahead.

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After the disaster we had trying to run the 10K a couple of weeks ago I was sure to get up in plenty of time for the Presbyterian Home 5K and 1 mile youth run taking place in Lynchburg, VA. We had less than a 10 minute drive to the race start so we thought we would leave about 35 minutes before race time. I had my usual pre-race breakfast of a double fiber honey wheat English muffin with peanut butter and a banana.  I think if you find a combination that works for you-stick with it!

The hubs was coming to cheer me on so we packed up his SUV and headed out. We plugged the start location in the GPS and saw we would get there with 22 minutes to spare which is perfect for me. However, in keeping our 5k curse going we get started on our trip only to find every direction we tried to go in the roads were already blocked. Finally, with 10 minutes until race time we get directions from an officer…wrong directions. So we stop and ask another officer who gives us correct directions. It is now 3 minutes until race time. My husband is zipping along as quickly as he can but we still get to the race about 4 minutes after it has started.

I find someone (fully expecting the same reaction we got in Ronaoke at the AEP run) and was surprised/rattled when they said “go ahead and jump on in there and run it”. I had not stretched or gotten in any kind of good mental state so I stood there for a second. The hubs nudged me on the shoulder and said “Go on. You know you want to run this”. So I took off. I looked back at the clock and saw I was 6:15 seconds late starting the race. I had to remember to subtract that later to get my time.

There was no one around. The families/friends cheered in support as I started which was nice but made me feel like an idiot. I kind of want to fade away at these events. I do them because they push me (and scare me) so being a lone runner down a crowd of people was a huge mental barrier for me but I thought just keep running and you will be out on your own soon.

I was not paying attention to pace so much as I ran up the first hill, down the first hill and down onto some level ground. I was thinking a faster runner would catch up to at least someone but I thought for sure I’d be on my own the whole way. I had not been running long when the “pack leader” came zipping by me in the other direction. I must have looked startled but he was nice and told me I was doing great. I love friendly runners but sometimes I secretly wonder if they are patronizing me.  And yes I know those are my own demons talking.  This race actually did a lot for me mentally but I am getting there.

I turned a corner (still having not walked mind you) and what do I see? I have caught up to the walkers and a couple of interval runners. It was just a few people but I was beaming inside. I had started 6 minutes late and had caught up to the group! (at least the end of it!)

I passed a few walkers at a time and then in front of me I see some of the slower runners (like me). I usually end up somewhere in the middle of the slower runners so I was glad to have caught up to them. I also realize at this point that my legs are on fire (no stretching) and I am feeling a little queasy. I think some of it was heat and some of it was nervous energy. I was praying for a water stop because of course I didn’t take a sip before I took off.

I rounded another corner and took off down the first really long stretch. I knew there were hills coming and I would need to walk some so while on the flat land I thought just keep running and I did. It was not long before I was seeing loads of runners coming up the other side of the stretch. A lot of them called out my number and encouragement. At first I was incredibly embarrassed. Of course I am thinking “Is this encouragement out of pity?” “Do they think I have no business doing this?” “Are they just surprised I haven’t dropped dead in this heat?” As weird as I felt I just kept running.

I started thinking, as running is good for that, about why on earth I was having the thoughts I did.  This time last year I could not run more than 20-30 seconds without stopping (if that). I didn’t watch my diet. I didn’t try to learn how to be better. I spent a lot of energy talking and not a lot doing. Now only a few months later I am running, training for a 1/2 marathon, eating right, 35 (and losing) pounds lighter. Only today I had overcome a 6 minute deficit and was running almost the entire way. So heck yeah go #182. Go me!

Something changed in me immediately. When someone called out something to me I could call back “Hey Thanks!” or  at least a Woohoo!. Running is fun when I do it alone. Why shouldn’t it be fun when I do it with the other people who love to do it (even if they are better than me right now anyway)? So with a new mental outlook I just kept running.

I got to a couple of big hills which are my personal kryptonite. I am going to have to do a lot more hill training before the Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 Marathon in October. But even though I did quite a bit of walking on the hills when I could muster up the strength I just kept running.

I kept pace with most of my fellow slower runners and I knew I was in the final quarter mile. My heart sank a little when I saw what was in between me and the finish line.

Another hill followed by another hill. But I just kept running. While I was on this hill I had a little chat with myself. I prepared myself for what I thought the clock would say and reminded myself I got to subtract 6 minutes and 15 seconds.  It is funny the things that hurt our self esteems. I am not fast, even a little, but by my own standards I want to do well.

When I got to the top of the hill I saw the hubs standing there. He was taking pictures and cheering for me. If I didn’t feel like I was going to throw up after running that hill I would have been beaming. I could not believe what happened next. I glanced up at the clock and even with no subtracting at all I had gotten a PR by 2 full minutes!!  After subtracting that means I beat my best time by 8 minutes and 15 seconds!!!!!!!!

I am not going to diminish my victory by pointing out that I am still one of the slowest runners. Nor will I diminish it by any other negative emotion that likes to creep in. I did good by my own standards and those are the only standards that should really matter. I am feeling so good I will give you my time (with my 6.15 subtracted of course). I finished this 5K in 44 minutes and 31 seconds. This is by no means considered a good thing in the running world but in my world it made me proud.

My next goal is to finish a 5k in 30-something minutes. I don’t care if its 39.59. Just 30-something. I’ll get there. I will just keep running until I make it.

After the race I was shaking. I grabbed a water and shoved an orange slice in my mouth. Oranges are my all time favorite post-race treat. I snacked on oranges as Bry and I walked around and took some snap shots. I will also point out that I lot of people came up to ask me about the blog. Apparently the hubs was pimping out http://www.runninginpinkproject.com while I ran! I also met a really nice girl who is training for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC with someone I work with. Small World!

Overall, a great run that helped me break through a huge mental roadblock. I feel more ready than ever to keep training, keep running, and keeping moving toward my goals (both fitness and weight loss).

If I could say anything to the readers, who like myself, are trying to lose weight (whether a little or a lot) I would say please don’t let your own hangups hold you back. At the end of the day it’s just you, your life, and the people you love and trust who matter. There is a whole world of things out there you could be doing. Don’t be afraid to do them. Just Keep Living and Just Keep Running.

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