
Posts Tagged ‘weight watchers’

This week has been a little bit rough. I have some personal (yup too personal for the blog right now) stuff going on and I really wanted to use today to recover from my fast paced week. I packed up the wonderbug bright and early and headed out for the morning. I made sure all of the essentials (purse, yoga bag, yoga mat, water, vitamin water, breakfast, etc) were all good to go since I would not have time to stop back by my house. I am amazed at my ability to be so prepared so early on a Saturday morning!

My first stop was Weight Watchers for my week 6 weigh in. I really busted my booty this week in terms of my workouts. I pushed myself hard, didn’t eat any of the resulting activity points, and made sure to get in tons of fresh veggies and fruits. I had myself all geared up for a stellar result but got this instead…

Week      +/-        Total lost

6               -0.2          21.2

Which makes my overall stats:

Week            +/-          Total Lost

1                   -10.8         10.8

2                   -3.2            14

3                   -3.0             17

4                  -1.0              18

5                  -3.0              21

6                 -0.2              21.2

I normally try (try try try) to take my number in stride. I really do. However, today to say I was disappointed is an understatement. I was pissed. My Weight Watchers leader was really supportive and answered my questions about how this complete injustice occurred. Her explanations made perfect sense but I am still upset. I feel like when you consider calories in versus calories out I should have had a three pound lost at least! I worked so hard this week and truly pushed myself. A 0.2 pound loss feels like a slap in the face. I know I should not be bitching about this. I posted a three pound loss last week and am seeing great changes in my strength and body shape. However, people feel the way they feel and this made me feel like crap. I feel like this early in the process a 0.2 pound loss should not be happening. I wanted to grab a latte and a scone after this less than stellar weigh in but instead I read over my Weight Watchers materials for the week, ate a quick breakfast of organic peanut butter on whole grain, and headed downtown to my Bikram yoga class.

Class was amazing as it usually is. My mind was all over the place when I first went in and I was really dwelling on the weigh-in. However, a few poses into the practice and I felt myself calm down. I worked really hard and even managed to get a little further into some of the poses than I have in the past. This is such a great practice and a wonderful studio. I truly feel at home/ at ease there now which is so unlike me. I have been at my current gym for over two years and still do not feel totally comfortable there. Plus, I can feel and see myself change from week to week with yoga. I am so glad I worked it into my routine. After class I was pretty much famished so I stopped at Subway to grab lunch for the hubs and I. I chose chicken on flatbread with loads of veggies and some Sunchips. I have not had Sunchips in forever and they were really yummy. And of course my gigantic water bottle made an appearance.

After our quick lunch the hubs left for his afternoon bike ride and I decided a bubble bath was in order. After the week (and super hard class) I had it was much needed. I also took in my trusty copy of Rachael Ray to get in some reading. Ya’ll know how much I heart that lady!

The hubs and I had a little date night planned so I got dressed in a super cute sweater I picked up in Dallas last fall and we headed out.

We headed out to an E A R L Y dinner. I am talking Golden Girls early. We were trying to avoid the Valentines weekend crowd. Mission accomplished as we pulled into one of my favorite local places, Neighbor’s Place, around 5:00.

I was totally craving a Spinach salad so I ordered one topped with yummy piping hot grilled chicken. It was pretty fantastic. I love it when restaurants have open kitchens. Its cool to watch how quickly they can get everything cooked up. They are the ultimate multi-taskers!

Since it was Saturday (yay Saturday!!) the hubs and I decided to share this amazing piece of chocolate cake. Even between the two of us we could not finish it.

Let me tell you a little something about said amazing cake- It tasted wonderful but was too much for my tummy to handle. We were barely to the car and I was sick with a capital S. It’s not that I never indulge, because I do. I have a piece of chocolate on Wednesday nights and pretty much an item or two I have been craving on Saturdays. However, I am apparently going to have to be a little more choosey because my body has started to change in terms of what it will tolerate. The hubs and I sort of marveled at what a difference six weeks makes.

The hubs and I ditched our original plan to see a movie and instead watched “The Killers” on DVD with my fave Katherine Hiegel at home. We capped off the night with a trip to Old Navy. The hubs promised me some new yoga pants and I was ready to collect. I somehow ended up with an entire new outfit. Not sure how that happened. 😉 (photos coming soon).

We headed home and are currently bonding with our TIVO. My relaxing Saturday is just what I needed. Check back tomorrow for my re-cap of my Anti-Valentines date with fabulous fave Kristen.

Have a Happy and Healthy Weekend!

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I can’t believe I have been on the Weight Watchers program for five weeks. 2011 seems to be flying by. On Saturday morning my pal Siobhan and I decided to work an extra Bikram yoga class into our week. So, I headed out VERY early to get my week 5 results. Here is what went down….

Week      +/-        Total lost

5               -3.0          21

Which makes my overall stats:

Week            +/-          Total Lost

1                   -10.8         10.8

2                   -3.2            14

3                   -3.0             17

4                  -1.0              18

5                  -3.0              21

I am thrilled to be over the 20 pound mark. While I still have a LONG way to go it feels like I have hit a significant milestone. To celebrate this “mini goal” the hubs and I are heading out this week to buy some brand new yoga pants! I will hit my next personal milestone in 10 lbs. I feel incredibly empowered and motivated to stay on this journey. I am only 4 lbs away from my “lightest” 2010 weight when things derailed. It’s exciting to get to the point where I feel like I am no longer taking care of “re-losing” weight but rather moving forward. I can’t wait to see where I go next. For those keeping track, the hubs picked up Florence and The Machine for me this week. 😉 Happy Weekend!

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So, today marks the official one month mark that I have been on my new diet/workout program. I was up super early Saturday morning to get my official way-in done. Here are this week’s stats….

Week      +/-        Total lost

4               -1.0          18

Which makes my overall stats:

Week            +/-          Total Lost

1                   -10.8         10.8

2                   -3.2            14

3                   -3.0             17

4                  -1.0              18

I will admit I was a little disappointed with just a 1 pound loss. I feel like I have SO far to go and that 1 pound is just a drop in a pretty gigantic bucket. However, when I look at the month as a whole 18 pounds is a very respectable loss for one month. I was also pretty excited to learn I have lost 4 inches from my waist! What’s more, I think looking at my overall appearance is a motivating factor. In just 4 weeks my skin looks better, I am less “puffy” and I am starting to feel more confident about the process. Here is a quick comparison look at my starting photos and my current photos….

I am excited to get February started and see where the next month of my journey takes me. In terms of NSV (non scale victories) my February goals include:

  1. Trying a Zumba class
  2. Making certain I eat my points (no daily points left behind)
  3. Incorporating more fruits and veggies into my daily routine
  4. Being conscious of my bread/crackers intake
  5. Taking a multivitamin daily!

Also, for those keeping track of my little arrangement with the hubs, this week I chose Lady GaGa “The Fame Monster.

I now return you to
regular food/fitness blogging! Happy Monday!

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I had really put 100% into my workouts this week and was eager to see if that had reflected on the scale. I got up pretty much on time to be at the Weight Watchers center right when it opened. The hubs, who is not really a late sleeper, was still tucked away all cozy in the covers.  This has been a tough week for me in terms of diet. I did my very best to control my cravings and push through them even though I was feeling over tired and stressed. I had my moments of wondering why I was even bothering. I have to admit I was thankful for this week’s weigh in. It was what I needed to re-motivate me and keep me on the right track.

Week      +/-        Total lost

3               -3.0          17

Which makes my overall stats:

Week            +/-          Total Lost

1                   -10.8         10.8

2                   -3.2            14

3                   -3.0             17


I am looking forward to measuring and photo taking at the end of the month to see if I can really “see” any of these changes happening. And onto more frivolous things, This week’s CD pick per my agreement with the hubs is…..That’s What I Call Music 36 (36, really? WOW!)

I am off to fix a healthy breakfast, get a workout done with the hubs (running or P90x yoga..I am undecided), and start getting the house ready for guests. Tonight we are hosting our monthly themed movie night. *Yes it is just as fabulously nerdy as it sounds!* Have a great Saturday!!

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This morning I went in to Weight Watchers to get my official week 2 weigh in and here are the results:

Week      +/-        Total lost

2               -3.2          14

Which makes my overall stats:

Week            +/-          Total Lost

1                   -10.8         10.8

2                   -3.2            14

The 3.2 loss was bittersweet for me. I know I cannot expect to post big losses every single week and 3.2 is a respectable number. However, sometimes I think shows like The Biggest Loser (which I love) ruin us as to what a “normal” good week looks like. Either way, in staying with his promise of a new CD each week I lose at least 1 pound the hubs already got this week’s choice for me….

I am now headed to the salon for a morning of pampering and getting ready to see all of my friends this evening for my Birthday dinner celebration! This week my goal is to stress less about the weight loss and keep things positive!

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I headed out super early to my Weight Watchers center this morning to get my official week 1 weigh in. Here are my results:

Week        +/-        Total Losses

1              -10.8                 10.8

I am beyond pleased with this. I know you lose a lot of water weight during the first week of a program but I am really excited to be on the right track! I also don’t want to dismiss the work I did this week. So, I am going to stick with simply being all smiles at a good result!

The hubs and I have a little deal that any week I post a one pound loss (or more) he will get me the CD of my choice. Sooo, this week I chose Katy Perry- Teenage Dream. It’s a fun little reward to help me stay on track for my larger “reward” goals later in the process.

One final note, it’s official: it’s LOVE with the new scale and I from Eat Smart. The scale is giving consistent readings AND it was exactly (to the ounce) giving the same reading as the super accurate way expensive scales at the Weight Watchers center. I am so stoked to be able to accurately track my weight from home!

After my weigh in I went to the gym for 3 miles on the elliptical and am ready to start week 2 off right!

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I sort of have this philosophy that eating healthfully makes you want to continue to do so. The adverse is also true. I had a chat with a work pal Thursday about how the holidays are difficult because your body gets accustomed to having a “sliver of pie here” or “some chocolate covered pretzels there” and before you know it you are starting to crave fatty calorie laden foods. With my 2011 weight loss and fitness goals in front of me, that simply would not do! That is why I spent my morning at the supermarket spending the majority of my visit with my new BFF, produce.

I spent a lot of time at the store looking at different items, comparing nutritional content, and figuring out “Points Plus” values. I also wrote recipes in my head as I scoped out the different ingredients. One of my goals (which I will be posting soon) for 2011 is to try one new recipe a week. My Rachael Ray cookbooks will certainly be earning their keep this year!! After a long morning of shopping I had purchased all of the goodies I needed to do a complete overhaul of our kitchen. My poor little bug could barely carry it all home!

I bought tons of produce, lean meats, whole grains, and other “whole” or “clean” foods. Besides a few convenience items such as organic toaster waffles and dried fruit I completely stayed clear of processed foods, desserts, or “junk food” of any kind. Some of my favorite grocery store finds today were…

With all of this great new food in the house I was inspired to prepare my first new dish of 2011. Tonight I decided to make Tilapia with Balsamic Browned Butter and Creamy Farfalle with Bacon, Tomato and Peas. As you might have guessed this a recipe from my culinary hero Rachael Ray and you can find the original HERE. However, I modified the recipe a touch to bump down the calorie/fat content.

First, I start with a totally clear cooking space and my ingredients out and ready. This is a fairly quick paced recipe and you will need everything right at your fingertips.

  • Bring water up to boil and set a deep skillet to medium heat. To that skillet add 6 slices of chopped bacon. I chose center cut because it is the leanest cut of natural bacon you can buy.

  • After the bacon begins to crisp up add in 1 medium onion, white mushrooms (to taste), salt and pepper, and a bay leaf. I like the dried leaves from Penzeys.

  • Allow this to cook for approximately 5 minutes. Then add in a large can of crushed tomatoes (or whole and crush yourself). Bring the sauce up to a bubble, adjust spices, and let it simmer for 15 minutes

  • Next stir in 1 cup of peas and ½ cup cheese. I substituted 2% mozzarella cheese instead of the mascarpone that is called for due to calorie/fat content

  • As you stir in the cheese prepare your wheat bow-tie pasta per the box instructions and set aside

  • As the pasta cooks and sauce simmers, prepare the tilapia with salt and pepper on each side and lightly flour it. Then place the fillets in a large pan with 2tbl olive oil per 4 filets and allow them to cook 4 minutes on each side

  • When the fish is finished remove it from the pan and add in 2 -3 tablespoons of light butter and ¼ cup balsamic vinegar per 4 filets. Allow this to reduce by ½ and remove from the heat

  • To complete the meal combine the pasta with the sauce and take a small serving, drizzle a tiny bit of the balsamic sauce over your fish and enjoy!

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My very last day of 2010 started with a trip to the Weight Watchers center in town. After last night’s revelation I knew I was ready to face whatever number the scale had in store for me. The truth is it feels very empowering to have my task so neatly placed in front of me. Now comes the mission of figuring out the right combination of food and exercise for my body. This was the last precursor to a very difficult journey but knowing that it only gets better from this day forward is a motivator all on it’s own. 2011 will be my year to emerge something better.

My weigh-in was not exactly what I had anticipated. It turns out I had not gained back all of the weight I lost last year and am starting out 12lbs lighter than I thought. Even though I am not brave enough to share the number (today) I have accepted it and feel 100% ready to take on the challenge. While yesterday was a day filled with emotion today was a day filled with resolve. I talked with my leader (and cousin-in-law) Stephanie about Weight Watchers new “Points Plus” program and I left the center with tons of new material to help me on my quest to a healthier me.

My last day of 2010 could not be all about weight so I traveled to Roanoke to meet up with my pal Kristen and her little girl for lunch. Kristen is very much a part of my support system and we did a lot of talking about my goals and plan to achieve them. We left time for some fun “girl talk” too and we finally exchanged Christmas gifts. There is something so heartwarming about a friend who truly knows you well enough to pick out a perfect gift. Among some super cute gifts was this amazing apron in one of my favorite prints (monogrammed in pink of course) and matching wine goblet. Now I can start “Cooking in Pink” too!

Being back on an eating plan is somewhat daunting at first so I “played it safe” at lunch today and ordered a salad with grilled chicken. At least the roasted pears and almond slivers kept this salad from being 100% boring. However, when in doubt basic is usually better I think. 😉

After a late lunch I made it home in time to plan my meals and workouts for next week. I am all set up at the gym, ready to get back to running, and even signed up to start a Bikram Yoga class on Tuesday night. I contacted the studio about my weight concerns and they were incredibly supportive and positive. I can’t wait to give it a try! Tonight I am ringing in the new year with my hubs by my side, DVDs on the television, and this sweet Corgi in my lap. I cannot think of a better end to 2010 and start to 2011! Happy New Year!

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“Never too late, never too bad,

never too old, never too sick

to start from scratch once again.”


~ Bikram Choudhury



So as I mentioned earlier in the week I felt it was time to get serious about my weight loss and fitness. In a lot of ways this is frustrating because I definitely un-did a lot of pretty much all of the good I did last year. After thinking a lot about the how, why, and when did I let this happen? and After a lot of long chats with the hubs I finally feel ready to get this done. While I won’t get my starting weight until I go to the Weight Watchers center in the morning deep down I know I am pretty much starting from scratch.

The hubs took my starting measurements tonight and we carefully measured my

  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Upper Arms
  • Bust
  • Thigh
  • Neck

I plan to do a monthly update at the end of each month showing monthly losses and total losses in inches. This monthly update will also feature something that kind of terrifies me, progress photos. I am choosing to do 1 face shot, 1 street clothes shot, and 2 gym clothes shots (front and side) each month so I can accurately document the progress. I am not too proud to admit I cried after taking my first set of photos tonight. The hubs and online pal Julia were huge pillars of support and helped me get my brave pants on so I would have the guts to post them. So with no further ado…..

Progress Pictures- Month 0 STARTING PHOTOS

So there you have it. It’s out there. You know it’s funny (and by funny I mean terrible) how I have started to view my issue with weight. I almost feel like it is my terrible secret burden. It’s not like other people can’t see this already (at least those with the gift of sight) but putting it all out there in photos this way makes me feel so exposed as if I have been keeping this a secret somehow. At least now, maybe for the first time, I am being brutally honest with myself (and with all of you). The next 12 months will be a true testament to my will and drive. The time has come to emerge something better. That is my motto and my project for this year.

Thanks for reading and sharing in my journey in 2011!

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In less than 72 hours I’ll be weighing in at Weight Watchers and jump-starting my 365 days to a fitter (and happier) me. So what does one do in their last 72 hours of freedom? Some might indulge in favorite treats or “last meals” but I kind of don’t believe in that. I think that is the sort of flawed thinking that gets us into these messes to begin with. (Though I will admit I had full fat milk in my coffee this morning. *gasp!*

I am taking a different kind of approach during these last 72 hours. I am preparing the tools for my success.

1. My Weight Watchers Card. I am signed up for auto-pay and ready to hit the scale Friday morning and my meetings on Monday nights.

2. A Notebook. I can plan meals and work outs a week in advance. I can keep my WW logs in here, save measurements, and brainstorm for future blogs.

3. Water to Go. I am cleaning my trusty pink water bottle and getting her ready for some serious water drinking action.

4. DVDs. I am sorting through workout DVDs to pull out some faves for days I just cannot make it to the gym.

5. Yoga. I am busting out the new yoga mat and block I got for Christmas and looking for some classes to take in town.

6. Gym Schedule. I need to learn the weight machines and maybe take a class or two. The New Year is all about learning full body fitness.

7. Blogs. I am reading YOUR blogs to get some excellent fitness and food ideas.

8. Disney. Yes maybe it seems lame but looking forward to my next trip (and run) at Disney takes me to my happy place! I think its fine to pull inspiration from wherever you can (or wherever you want).

9. Volunteering. I am looking for races or events to volunteer at. Nothing is quite as inspirational as watching amazing athletes push their limits.

10. Friends. I am rallying family and friends to keep me on track. Your loved ones are probably your most valuable resource. They want to see you succeed!

What are some of the tools of YOUR success?

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