
Posts Tagged ‘Strong Body’

Today I officially started to taper with my mileage. This is one of the nicest and most nerve wrecking parts of the training process. It is nice because you know until the big event you will not have a run that consists of over 5 miles. It is unnerving because your mind keeps telling you it would be “better” to keep up that high mileage until the race. However, pretty much every training plan on the planet tapers for at least the last 2 weeks before an event so here we are. I did learn some interesting things on my run today.

  1. I need to re-vamp my running play-list ASAP. This is a high priority before race time!
  2. Forgetting to take water on even a shorter run will still cause muscle cramps (silly me!)
  3. People are odd. I heard a mom tell her toddler that organic milk was “dirty” and it had germs in it. Ahem.

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I think it must be common for everyone to have days where you think to
yourself, “wow I would actually prefer a punch in the face to going in
for a workout today.” Today was one of those lousy exercise days for
me.  As the Disney Wine and Dine ½ Marathon approaches I find myself
feeling a little beaten down physically and mentally. Those old
feelings from last years Princess ½ are creeping in and saying, “ Are
you really sure you can do this?”

Starting the process of training for an event is difficult to describe
if you have never done it. You pretty much have to structure
everything in your personal life around this huge goal, especially
food and workouts.
I glanced at my calendar and saw today listed as
“Cross Training”. I feel guilty for being so relieved I did not have
to run today. So that left me with the question…. What am I going to
do today?



Zumba? (I’m still trying to get brave enough to go to one of these
classes for the first time)

After some thought I decided my cross training day was best spent
doing 20 minutes on three different cardio machines at the gym. I kept
it simple
, programmed in the “fat burn” program to each one, and
mindlessly sweated for 60 minutes. Mentally it did wonders for me to
not spend hours on a single task. I got to work different muscles, not
think about time/speed, and zone out to some cranked Britney Spears
and Glee tunes (no judgment!).

Tomorrow I will be hitting the pavement, running my 5 miles (being
thankful it’s not 10) and getting in a good place for the upcoming
race at Disney. How can I not smile about it when I know I am going to
be in Disney during my favorite time of year?

I am looking quite forward to (hopefully) not getting hurt this go
around and finally getting that shiny finishers metal I have been
coveting for so long!!

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Today was such a typical Tuesday. My food was pretty representative of the types of things I have been eating. My workout was pretty typical of a workweek sweat session. Work was typically crazy, school was typically busy, and the house/dogs/hubs were, well…typical. In fact, today was so typical it was almost weird.

Planning for bigger breakfasts has been essential to my eating plan. So, this morning I made one of my tropical smoothies (w a whole day’s worth of fruit. Yum!!!) and an English Muffin with an egg smooshed on top. This is pretty much my ideal breakfast. Protein, Dairy, Fruit, and tons of fiber from the English Muffin. I stay feeling satisfied for much longer and it’s pretty low in points. Plus I am learning it’s better to eat bigger in the morning and smaller in the evenings. This lesson has been a hard one to learn but a talk with a good friend this weekend really drove that point home for me.

After a non-stop morning at work I paused (barely) to have a quick lunch at my desk. Yet another reason planning is so important. Having grab and go options in the fridge makes it so much easier to make a good choice. This balsamic onion pasta (with Italain turkey sausage, onions, whole grain pasta, and roasted red peppers) is pretty minimalist in terms of ingredients but it’s really filling and tasty. I especially love it after it’s had a night in the fridge for the ingredients to bond. Mmmm.

My evening at work was just as busy as the morning so I did not get a chance to grab a snack until the car ride to the gym. I downed one of these Cliff bars in my fave flavor and headed to workout.

I am so sore, and so tired from yesterday’s run (this is why Mondays are supposed to be rest days) that I opted to do my 4 miles as quickly as possible….on the elliptical. My body just could not take the punishment today. I am all right with that. Sometimes you have to make modifications. You have to know your body well enough to say, “Ok I need a break”. However with that said, I am feeling pretty great about the fact that I did not just skip the workout all together. Obligatory sweaty girl photo below!

After my workout I let out the dogs, emptied the dishwasher, started a load of laundry, cleaned the bathroom sink, and started dinner. I don’t often talk about the really mundane things (not interesting right?) but it’s important to note them every now and again. Having a “real life” and trying to balance it with a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge. I have found, since my moment of clarity at the HLS session on time management, that planning is the key to success. I have also found staying on top of tasks so they don’t build up and overwhelm you doesn’t hurt either!

Tonight’s dinner was Thai lettuce wraps. There are tons of recipes on the Internet for these but I use the one HERE. I paired these little protein powerhouses with some whole grain rice (which I had a smaller serving of). Someone recently told me you should always go to bed a touch hungry (not starving but not full either) and I am trying to follow through with that idea this week.

I am now settling in for some schoolwork (Ahh isn’t grad school fun??), another load of laundry, some bonding time with the hubs and pups, and I might even steal a second for me (hello TIVO-ed Gossip Girl reruns and online shopping wish list making).

Typical Days, well, there are a lot of them. Handling a typical day with grace makes handling the atypical ones a little easier too. Also, today (though it was full of work, workouts, and issues) was fun. I had no major disasters, no family emergencies, a great workout, my sweet little pups and hubs to come home to and no room to complain. There are so so many typical days to be lived- figure out your way to live them positively. 😉

No matter how typical, have a happy and healthy day!

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The Eats:

Yesterday I had a serious problem. The entire day I just felt like I was starving. I am not talking about eating from boredom or stress but rather the “sick to your stomach because you are so hungry” feeling. Sadly, the result was eating pretty much everything in sight at my house last night. Not good. So, I decided to approach this from a healthy perspective and think about why my body felt it needed so much food. I asked myself the following:

  • Did you get enough water/fluids yesterday? (Yes)
  • Did you eat frequently throughout the day? (No)
  • Did you follow your good health guidelines? (Yes)
  • Did you eat a lot of junk the day before? (No)
  • Did you eat a balanced breakfast? (No)

The last question gave me my light bulb moment. I had a healthy breakfast yesterday but not a balanced one. I did not have any substantial protein or healthy fat. I pretty much just had whole grains and fruit. During the Healthy Living Summit I learned at one of the sessions that your morning meal sort of sets the tone for how your body will metabolize food the rest of the day. That is why it is good to eat from all food groups in the morning if you can so your body is an efficient fuel machine for the rest of the day.

This morning I started off with a skim milk latte (1 point).

Then I made some yummy smoothies for the hubs and I. (this recipe makes 2) by blending:

  • 1.5 cups low fat vanilla yogurt (thank you Stonyfield and HLS for the HUGE free sample)
  • 1 large banana
  • 1 ½-2 cups frozen strawberries (buy frozen or freeze fresh the night before)
  • 2/3 cup pineapple juice.

The smoothie ends up with a “point” tally of 4-5 points and you get in 2-3 servings of fruit and 1.5 servings of dairy.

Along side that I had a whole grain reduce calorie English Muffin (1 point) with an egg (2 points) and lean ham slices (1 point).

I used 9 points for this meal but it started my day off on the right foot, I was less hungry throughout the day, and I had buckets of energy.

The rest of today’s eats included two of my “in a pinch” recipes:

Whole Grain Pasta, Turkey Italian Sausage, Spinach, and Parm for lunch

& Veggie Spaghetti for dinner

Spaghetti in a Veggie Sauce

I also snacked on some fruit (not pictured).

I met all of my good health guidelines, easily stayed within my WW points and, most importantly, felt good about my choices.

The Moves:

Today for my Wine and Dine ½ marathon training I jogged 4 miles. That is not a feat for some but I am still impressed with myself when I make it through. I am continuing my jog/walk intervals and feel much more confident about the upcoming run then I did before the Princess ½ last year.

The rest of this week’s moves are shaping up like this

Wednesday Cross Training ( I think I might try Zumba!)
Thursday: 4 Mile Run
Friday: Rest
Saturday: The Long Run (8 Miles)
Sunday: Gentle Cross Training (Yoga or a Bike Ride at 5 miles or less)

What is your favorite cross training workout?

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