
Posts Tagged ‘healthy dinner in a hurry’

I am pretty sure things with fun or fancy names taste better. For example, I could have called tonight’s dinner open faced egg sandwiches with amaretto berries. Instead, I decided to use the term Croque Madames with boozy berry parfaits. A fun name for a fun (and easy) dinner!

The first thing I did is wash up some strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Aren’t they gorgeous?!?!

For the two servings of berries (one for me and one for the hubs) I added ¼ cup of amaretto and let the berries “marinate” while I prepared the rest of dinner.

The final step was adding the freshly soaked “boozy” berries to a fun glass and topping with fat free whipped cream. YUM! I love any excuse to eat pretty much anything out of a fun glass. 😉

While the boozy berries are an excellent guest star, the main event tonight were the amazing (if I do say so myself) Croque Madames I prepared. I skipped a few of the traditional steps (as I was in a hurry and starving) but these little sammies made a big splash in my house tonight!

To start, toast up some whole grain bread in the oven with olive oil at 350 degrees for 17 minutes. Once it’s ready thinly spread on some organic blackberry preserves.

Next add on 2-3 slices of thinly sliced deli ham (I used natural honey ham tonight).

On top of the ham add a white cheese or white cheese “sauce”. I chose one of my favorites, muenster.

The final ingredient is a runny (or not so much if that grosses you out) egg.

Bust out the knife and fork for this protein packed gem!

This meal was a huge success with everyone in the Running In Pink Project household and has definitely won a spot on my faves list! Give it a try for a super simple, incredibly filling, pseudo fancy dinner in a rush!

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I woke up this morning ridiculously sore from yesterday’s Body Pump class. I will say it was good healthy sore and not you hurt yourself sore so that was a plus. My arms, back, chest, booty, abs and legs were all killing me so I am thinking this Body Pump class might be the best idea ever. Do you take Body Pump? What do you think of it?

Work was long as I was our team’s on call clinician and I had to be in the office ALL DAY. All day on a Friday in our office is torture since most of the staff is finished up by lunch. I can say the quiet workplace made for a productive afternoon.  I even squeezed in a couple of minutes of fun talking with my office mate about last night’s episode of Private Practice. I wont spoil it for all of you fellow TIVO-ers and DVR-ers out there but you might want to bust out
the tissues!

Breakfast and Lunch were some regulars. I will spare you the English muffin and Banana photo as well as the spinach salad. I really need to mix things up next week! For my sake as much as yours!

I have been thinking for a while about expanding the blog with recipes, a “faves” list, and a couple of other fun things. Is there anything you would really like to see on the blog?

I am also hoping to steal borrow the idea of other fab bloggers and get some fun mismatched plates so you don’t have to look at my breakfast on foil every morning. I want to keep the pictures as exciting and fun as possible. Finally, I purchased the domain www.runninginpinkproject.com . If you go there now you will just be redirected to my blog but look for some fun changes over the next few weeks!

Tonight’s dinner was a little last minute decision. I had some organic mushroom ravioli in a spinach and cheese sauce.  I am normally a make it from scratch kind of girl but I needed a quick wholesome meal that did not involve a lot of effort. This is exactly why I keep options like this on hand. 🙂

I wanted to workout this evening but I am terribly sore so I am listening to my body and resting tonight. Regular workouts pick up on Sunday with a short run and disc golf with the hubs (weather permitting). I suck at disc golf so you won’t want to miss that recap! 😉

Tomorrow morning I am headed to fabulous Richmond, VA for some much needed BFF bonding time. I love a good celebration and a good Birthday celebration is even better. Stop by and see how the weekend turns out!

Have a Happy and Healthy Weekend.

Be Thankful Each Day in The Month of May: Today I am thankful for GPS. (Hey they cant ALL be deep. May is a long month!). GPS allows people like me to actually leave their homes and go actual real places. I have the worst sense of direction maybe ever but GPS tells me just where to go. She can even find nearby shopping and food. GPS – you
rock my socks

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